Speeding Up Image Rendering with Fragment Shaders

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As someone who spent most of my time programming for CPUs, I used to think that GPU programming was some arcane art reserved for the most elite of programmers. As I’d later find out though, this couldn’t be further from the truth. My perception changed when I decided to face a performance bottleneck in one of my personal projects. I learned that it was actually quite easy to get started.

With plenty of online resources to learn from, I decided to go on a quest to fix this performance issue through the power of GPU programming. In this blog post, I will show how I used fragment shaders to speed up my program’s rendering loop by orders of magnitude. This post is mainly aimed at software engineers with little to no GPU programming experience. At the end of the article, I will also add some links for further exploration, which will be useful to my future self and may also be useful to you if you are interested in the subject.

The Need for Speed

During high school, I wrote an open-source project called Circle Evolution using Python. It’s a program that, given an image as input, tries to draw that same image but only using circles. It does that by starting with a set of randomly sized, positioned, and colored circles. Then, iteration by iteration, “mutates” those parameters (size, position, and color) to look more like the target image. How? Well, according to some (fitness) function, if that mutation makes the image look less like the target than the previous iteration, then that mutation is discarded, and the program continues.. Here is a video that showcases this:

The way the fitness function works is by comparing every single pixel in the current image (made up of circles) to the target image (input to the program) and returning an error value representing how different the two images are (using mean squared error). On every iteration, after the circle parameters are mutated, a new image needs to be drawn. Rendering the circles was easily the most time and CPU consuming part of the program. For every single circle, I called the OpenCV circle() function. This would result in a lot of draw calls and overhead per circle rendered. So why not offload some work to the GPU? And so my quest for a better alternative began…

After some digging online, I learned that there are many ways to run code on the GPU. One method of doing that is using shaders, another way is using programming interfaces such as CUDA. Since I was already using Python, I was looking for a solution that would integrate well with minimal engineering effort. Unfortunately, CUDA uses C++ which meant building a CPython extension module would have been necessary. Furthermore, CUDA code only runs on a limited set of NVIDIA GPUs and I wanted my program to be runnable on most computers. Thus, CUDA was out of the equation…

Fragment Shaders to the Rescue!

Fragment shaders (aka pixel shaders) are a type of program that does computations per pixel. You can think of every single pixel to be rendered as occupying a single thread of execution in the GPU (though reality is a bit more nuanced). I write the fragment shaders in a domain-specific language called GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language). Python has some great OpenGL libraries which allows me to easily integrate the shader into my program with ease.

You may find the rendering code below. This should be easy to read if you have experience with C-like languages. I’ve also included comments for more guidance.

#version 400

// data
uniform int circleCount;   // number of circles
uniform vec2 pos[256];     // position of the circles .xy (as 2d vector)
uniform float radii[256];  // radius of the circles
uniform vec4 colors[256];  // RGBA color of the circles (as 4d vector)
uniform vec2 iResolution;  // resolution of the output image

// helper function to draw a circle  
// uv: is the coordinate of the pixel being drawn  
// pos: the circle's center; rad, color: circle's radius and color  
vec4 circle(vec2 uv, vec2 pos, float rad, vec4 color)
   // a positive d value means uv lies outside the circle
   float d = length(pos - uv) - rad;

   // for smooth edges (aka antialiasing)
   float t = clamp(d, 0.0, color.a);

   return vec4(color.xyz, color.a - t);

// input: coordinate of fragment (aka pixel) normalized between 0 and 1
in vec2 fragCoord;
// output: color of fragment
out vec4 fragColor;

void main()
   // un-normalize the pixel coordinate
   vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy * iResolution;

   vec4 dest = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);  // RGBA values, starts black

   for (int i = 0; i < circleCount; i++)
      vec4 circ = circle(uv, pos[i], radii[i], colors[i]);  
      dest = mix(dest, circ, circ.a);  

   fragColor = dest;  

Some important notes:


Mona Lisa Drawn With Circles Mona Lisa drawn using 256 circles after 1 million iterations in ~18 minutes

Average render time per iteration (for a 256x256 image at 10k iterations) with an RTX A4000 GPU, an Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-1390P @ 3.50GHz w/ 8 cores, and 62 gigs of ram (university computer lab setup):

That’s 2 orders of magnitude faster!

Aside: The old rendering code only supported grayscale images and would be slower if it had feature parity with the new renderer!

Further Exploration

Useful Resources


  1. There is a per GPU limit on how big the memory size of the uniforms can be. Although uniforms are the fastest way to read data, there are ways to get around this memory size limitation by using other storage qualifiers.